They Pay You Money For Denying You A Loan!

Released on = April 27, 2006, 12:59 am

Press Release Author = KLIKSMART

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = A Texan loan service provider is doing the unusual:paying
money to any loan applicant for not being approved!

Press Release Body =

- A Texan loan service provider is doing the unusual:paying money to any loan
applicant they fail to get approved for a loan!

Houston, Tx - 04/27/06 - With credit criteria becoming more and more tight, getting
approved for a loan does not happen most often. As loan applicants are getting more
and more frustrated and hopeless about obtaining a loan because of their poor or bad
credit, a Texas-based company, has decided to give everyone a higher chance to get
a loan and even offer to pay anyone they fail to get approved for a loan.

\" I\'m 64, said Jorge BJORN a resident of New jersey,an I never believed that with
the type of credit history I have I would be able to get any loan whatsoever but
they did approve me\".
This testimonial like many others of amazed and satisfied loan applicants as they
pouring in day after day, are boosting any other future applicant\'s confidence in
obtaining a loan using KLIKSMART services. Over the last three months the company
has helped the approval of almost 30,000 loans of clients with less than perfect
credit, closed bank accounts issues, NSf\'s etc... KLIKSMART itself is not a bank or
a lender but the company as one of its official said\" uses its powerful lenders and
banks network to help its clients regardless of their credit history\"
No wonder the company\'s site attracts thousands of daily
visitors seeking for an ultimate help to their financial issues. Some of them most
sure that they won\'t stand a chance to get a loan apply just to catch in the
financial reward the company offers to anyone they can\'t get approved for a loan.
keisha Powell of Illinois is one one them.\"Being honest with you I was only looking
for the free money and look what I got: the unexpected, the unbelievable: I got a
When we asked KLIKSMART executives how the company became so successful in this
though market, they respond that the company\'s success is based on five things:
- they care about people issues
- they treat them as family
-their referral service is one the fastest in the industry
-they always find a way to get they clients approved
-and finally,\"even when we fail (which doesn\'t happen often) to get them approved,
they still get a financial reward for giving us the privilege to serve them\"adds
Michael LeBroussard Senior customer service manager.

Contact olivier GLAUDY for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (281)
755-2610 Email: Other helpful information regarding the
can be found at:

For More Information Contact:

olivier GLAUDY

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Contact Details = olivier GLAUDY
704 cline #4
Huntsville , 77340


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